Saturday, October 10, 2009

I hear MAP

I need psychiatric help.

I keep hearing things... that everybody else doesn't. Why? Why me?

In the office:

Manager A: Mandy, what time the map here?

Mandy: *silent* (I can't answer because I don't understand. I dare not ask because it may be something simple that I should know) Map... ??? Here/Hear??? Errr....

Manager A: (looking at me like he's trying to say I'm low B which means retarded, or something...)

Then he took my 30 cm ruler and acted like he's vacuuming the floor, trying to tell me by his action while saying "wuuu..." the vacuum sound, expressing his concern that what time will the maid be here.

He wanted to say 'MAID' ಠ_ಠ and he acted like I no read book (illiterate), huh?!!

I swore, I will correct him the next time he dare to MAP me, or WUUU... me !!!! I'm not prepared this time, just let me be the no read book MAP!

He added before he left "Is alright, I panic when my boss spit chu me for the first taing" he tapped my shoulder and gave me a Shah Rukh Khan smile =) He may be handsome.. ahem, ahahaha, hey! But he said MAP!!

*&^%$#@!! I wanted to kill someone!! If he wasn't the manager, I would have told him off! The full time receptionist stood beside me without reaction / expression like she just overheard a normal conversation.

Or am I the only one hearing things?


George8724 said...

ahhahahahah this is really funny...

MAP = Maid = manglish....


Candy and Mandy said...

Can u pretend not hearing MAP? Tel me tht im normal..

George8724 said...

hahahahahahhaha okokok