Monday, May 25, 2009

In Loving Memory of Bonshyu

*This is my guinea pig, name: Bonshyu*

How do you feel when your pet dies? You cry, grief, can’t eat or sleep, think about them, call their names, sit around the cage, look at the feeding bowl, the pet food / vitamins / shampoo, flip through their photos, but you know it’s not helping or even gonna make you feel any better.

You think about how cute they were when you first saw them, how messy things were when you first bathe and train them. As they grow, your responsibility expands. Particularly when 2nd generations are produced; grooming the young ones were a new task.

Eventually the old pets will grow old, and leave you. Looking at the remaining family members; do they know what just happened or they actually have no feelings?

Life goes on.. you had to wake up for class/work when you feel like shit, hoping that your pet will rest in peace.

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