Sunday, September 20, 2009

M for Messy

I was too excited when I spotted a new tom yum noodle stall at the coffee shop nearby, because I'm such a super tom yum lover. Candy and I can drive all the way from south to west in the middle of the night just for a bowl of tom yum... and that shows our love for tom yum :)

I simply grab the first container I saw in the kitchen and just pour it in. Ops, that's not a bowl =_=
Then I realize I didn't learn 'iron palm' back in school, I can't hold it no more, so I put it in a pot T_T Everything becomes messy when I'm with tom yum.

Dinner in bed :)


George8724 said...

walao... macam ni pun boleh kah?....

Mandy said...

Sumtimes, we mk wrong decisions in our lives.. >_< we overcome it, with a bigger pot >:)

George8724 said...

gd explanation. ehehehehehe